Monday, September 14, 2009


Today's post is all about my favourite Assistive Technology and Educational Technology blogs, where I get a lot of my info. If you want to know where I get some of my information, these are the goods.

Of course, I share these at the risk that you'll ditch reading my blog and start reading one or more of these, but hey, whatever floats your boat. I'm here to serve you, even if only temporarily. But you may opt to stay with CyberSERT because I'll filter out the best of the best for you, especially if you're an educator in Ontario, and esuperspecially if you're with my Board, the YRDSB.

AssistiveTek is by Brian S. Friedlander, Ph.D.
If you google Assistive Technology Blog, this one comes up first. Dr. Friedlander teaches a course on assistive technology and is quite the expert. His focus is primarily on LD-related software and gadgets. His primary interest is in mind-mapping software, and he tends to spend a lot of time blogging about it. We, in Ontario, have SMARTIdeas licensed by the province, and it's pretty good. I'll throw my own 2 cents in the mind mapping software discussion in a future post.

All Together We Can is geared more towards the Augmentative and Alternative Communication side of assistive technology, and is actually not devoted exclusively to AT.

Free Technology for Teachers is more of a general education site. This is a very prolific blogger, and you really have to skim through the myriad posts that go up every week. To help you find the gems, the most popular posts are listed each week.

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